
Webernet - "What Hath God Wrought" Edition

With all of the crazy wind and rain across the country in the past few days, I thought I'd post some other strange finds, in hopes that it might keep your minds off that tree laying across your front yard:

Disclaimer: all of these links are "Cubical Safe" and shouldn't open to screaming zombies (unless specifically noted)

Moscow's Crystal Island

These people are kidding, right? This is a big hoax... haha, funny renderings of the worlds largest building, has it's own ecosystem... yuk-yuk.... no?
The program of this behemoth has been trimmed down to a lean 27 million square feet, or four-times the size of the pentagon

Plush Toys That Look Like Road Kill

Honestly, this is what happens to most plush toys that our hound dogs get ahold of anyway.
Only instead of intestines, it's a steady spray of polyester fiber all over the house.

Nastiest Fish in The World

I think we hold fish to too high of a standard these days, in this world where we promote skinny, lean fish, free of lesions, and with only two eyes. They grow up aspiring to an unhealthy body image. Not every fish can be a rainbow fish. It's what's on the inside that counts.
Ok, I just grossed myself out.

Tokyo Traffic Control Center

All of that back-lit, flashy, LED goodness, just to say:
"Uhh, yeah, you can't get there from here."

19th Century Neurosurgical Tool Set

Let me just remind you, that means "brain surgery" as you peruse the various saws, augers, pry-bars and ball-peen hammers in this carefully maintained set.