
Tale Of Two Starchitects

Here's an interesting interview with Daniel Liebskind from the Toronto Globe and Mail newspaper. A reporter had 10 minutes to ask the designer of the ROM some pointed questions about the functionality of the building.

A couple of great quotes:

“Money is not a determinant of architecture. If you give a poet more money, the poem he writes wouldn't be any better.”
(where does he get this stuff? -ed.)

"A work of architecture is not like a meal where you can add more salt later. It's all thought out before it's constructed."

"I'd be delighted to design a hot-dog stand. It's urban furniture."

Furniture indeed. We'll all be looking for Liebskind branded hot dog vending machines at the local Target...or maybe it'll be exclusive to Saks.

I don't want to seem like I'm picking on Danny lately, but the recent swath of design commentary is too hard to resist.

On the lighter side, the dubiously titled "Worlds oldest architect" turns 100 years young this week. (He's a spry old guy)
Here's a great interview with Oscar Niemeyer, in which he has some provocative quips about his experience working with Le Corbusier on the United Nations building.
This interview was conducted RIBA International Conference.
He also has some interesting (although somewhat less earth-shattering) thought of how reinforced concrete changed our thoughts on design.

"I'm interested in architecture in that I'm interested in life."